The Effects Of The Credit Crunch

Monday, October 26, 2009

The global credit crisis, the financial headlines in recent months dominated, has continued to wreak their mischief throughout the UK. As it his way across the Atlantic last summer's credit crisis has taken its toll in all financial sectors, and has things difficult for both lenders and consumers. Many lenders have been hit hard since the crunch has resulted in greater difficulties, always in finance on the wholesale money markets and increased costs associated withLending between banks. This means that to find the lender, it is increasingly difficult and expensive to finance that they need to finance their loans.

In recent months a growing number of consumers have found that trying to get any form of credit has become more difficult and expensive, and that is because of the action taken by the lenders to try and get as far as possible from the impact of the crunch. Lenders have raised interest rates on various financialProducts, including mortgages, loans and credit cards, and also tightened their lending criteria, so that many consumers in the cold when it comes to finance. Many also have different financial products from the market and have their lending criteria which has receive funding also affects the ability of many consumers are changing.

The mortgage sector has been particularly hard hit by the impact of the credit crisis, and there were manychange when it comes to mortgage lending, as lenders try to work around the problems caused by the financial crisis. Seized since the last summer before the credit crunch, the number of mortgage products plunged by two thirds, leaving consumers with very little choice. First time buyers have been severely affected, and this is the result of lenders withdrawing 100% and the 125% mortgage, which are always popular for the first time among the buyers with little or no down payment. The situation wasmade worse by lenders now demanding a much higher deposit than the traditional 5% to provide their best offers, which require access to some creditors not less than 40% of the value of property by one, to gain access to competitive rates.

People with bad credit have also been hit hard because the lenders are far more cautious than they give, and those with damaged credit face an increased risk of rejection by the credit conditions that caused the global credit crisis.A combination of these cutbacks and changes in both the mortgage and general financial markets has resulted in serious difficulties for many people, and industry experts, including banking officials have said that the situation is set to later this year . Continue

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