Finance - Treatment Dilemma

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Drug treatment is expensive! For a celebrity or someone in a higher income level, I think it is accessible. The problem is that most drug users not in these positions. In reality, the truth, most addicts are not even in a level of income, as the disease progresses to the point that treatment is an option under consideration! In rare cases, treatment is offered at $ 1500 to $ 2000 per month. An example of the upper end is, look at "Promises" in Malibu. A recent article on eHow.comgive their prices to $ 8855 per week. Or will the Cirque Lodge in Utah, handling up to 26,000 $ per month. The most common are the figures of $ 3,000 to $ 5,000 per month. What would your average Addict more money every month for 3-5K? You can not!

Obviously, treatment professionals, who are not involved in the pursuit of profit is not the problem of addiction in general. You are not reported the impact on our society in question! Do what they doMoney and make exorbitant salaries. In the nonprofit sector drug treatment, "qualified professionals", usually start at $ 10 per hour, and maybe between $ 15 and $ 25 per hour depending on experience and geographical location and good programs, such as the government gave in your neighborhood. From my personal experience, I discovered that counselors and therapists often give much time for their time in front of books. They do this because they are! TheyPeople who care and are concerned about the problem.

Treatment professionals who are in public institutions usually pay about $ 10 to $ 20 per hour with benefits. And the county and city programs, usually employed in the Ministries of Health to receive $ 15 to $ 25 per hour with generous benefits. This private, nonprofit organizations, the positive results continue to show growth, but have been established. They are also suppliers that many need.They are also suppliers to the greater difficulty in collecting their fees. Operating under the premise that money is not what it is to take risks are often behind their personal ethics. These programs usually have staff consists mainly of ex-addicts who work with passion to help others survive with a sense of empathy and gratitude for his fight against addiction! These professionals are very important in poverty live in the vicinity, because ourThe money is primarily through the financing of prison, are economically inefficient and ineffective, like most other government programs have been initiated.

It seems that someone somewhere will take the problem of misuse of taxes by governments to be seen. California Proposition 5 on the ballot in 2008. This is a first attempt, the new laws for drug offenses condemned to live in the most efficient and non-private, nonprofit programs, diverting them ineffective programs in prisons. Points$ 460,000,000 a year to improve and expand treatment programs. The tax effects of potentially cost the State 1000000000 dollars a year ago for the expansion of treatment programs, but could save may be too 1000000000 dollars a year in corrections costs.


MADD and the State Correctional Officers spend a considerable amount of money that is freed as a suggestion that drug dealers and criminals on the streets. Nobody spends money to get the true facts, but. Ireally hope that injects the proposal be rejected, and will continue to be in prison, to evaluate the programs of chess.

He's old, run ignorant views of "Crime and punishment instead of rehabilitation remains a serious setback for our company. While all the statistics and research say that the "treatment" is the answer to users in the United States' problem drug ", ignorance that leads to a problem that can not always solve all interested citizens in a way or another. Although the diseaseConcept of addiction has taken steps in the assumptions made is far from being "accepted"!

My hope, as a consultant and a certified addict recovery may be that some of my articles, or even one of them something they can do something good for those in need of education and incredible understanding of this problem and to inform the solution best we have for today.


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