New trends of Customer Relationship Management

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The biggest challenge of managing the new millennium, the liberalization and globalization are used for a company and to maintain good relations with the client-king. In the past, the producer of his clients, of course, because customers do not ask for time and had many other sources of supply or suppliers. As a passive customer, the producer had the conditions and commitment to customers just dictated. But today is a radicalTransformation. The changing business environment characterized by economic liberalization to enhanced competition, consumer choice, tall, smart and demanding clients, the emphasis on quality and value.

All these changes have increased production from traditional to modern marketing marketing has increased today. Modern marketing requires more production of a product, price, promotion and made available to attract customers. Requires trust, a bondStrength and value-added relationships with customers to win their hearts. The new era of marketing is to attract customers for ever, where companies greet the customers who are creating products tailored to their needs, work hard to develop customers for life by the principles of customer satisfaction, l 'acceptance and enthusiasm.

WHAT 'THE MANAGEMENT customer relationship (CRM)

The process of developing a relationship of cooperation and collaboration between buyers and sellersManaging customer relationships, CRM briefly mentioned.

CRM aims to concentrate all activities of the organization to create and maintain a customer. CRM is a new marketing technique, in which the vendor is seeking to develop long term relationships in partnership with clients to develop long-term customer. CRM aims at making the advent of the Internet on the ladder of loyalty.


In strong competition has become a type of businessThat the client is offered the vaccine calls to regulate the types of products and services to market. Customers are increasingly demanding, dominant and selective. Have, in fact, perceptions and expectations of customers has changed dramatically with the availability of banking services to customers on the door steps with the help of technology.

Customer Service Marketing has two main objectives: the prosperity of the bank and customer satisfaction. Banks offertangible benefits, such as loan programs, interest rates and account types, and intangible benefits, such as the behavior and efficiency of staff, speed of transactions and the atmosphere. Banks may have the client-centered or customer service in five areas of activity such as accessibility of the Treasury, including the security of assets, money transfer, deferred payment and financial advice.

There are four strategies available to managers of customer relationships "

• To retrieve or storeCustomers

• In order to attract new customers and prospects

• To retain existing customers and

• Make an offer to sell or services of the Cross.

The future of banks depends largely on the ability of banks to develop strong relationships with customers. To close relationships with customers in the banking sector should be developed on the basis of technology focus on innovations that offer convenience for customers. Today, customers are offeredATM services, access to internet banking or telephone banking and credit cards. They have high bank beyond the boundaries of time and space.

Marketing for the Bank's services

Marketing of banking services through the organization of activities and programs of the rule of law in the right services to the right people at the right place at the right time at the right price and the right communication and promotion. Marketing of banking services are the following individualFeatures

• The intangible nature can not be seen or physically possess, but can be lived.

• inseparability, their production and consumption occur simultaneously.

• The variability, which varies depending on the validity of the customer.

• perishable and can not be saved.


Change is a continuous process and the banking sector is no exception to this law of nature. Change is inevitable in the banking sector in India, becauseImplementation of financial sector reforms and the policy of the country. The main objective of financial sector reforms is an efficient financial system, to promote competitive and diverse in the country. Banking sector in India has undergone a fundamental change after the liberalization and globalization in operation since 1991. These changes have forced the banking industry in India, the mix of products to adapt to rapid changes in their process ofto remain competitive in the global context.

Jurisdiction foreign banks and new private banks

The entry of more foreign banks and new private banks, with one foot lean and agile, better technology, market orientation and cost-effective measures have increased competition in the banking sector in India. Financial institutions have begun to enter the banking sector. In recent years, the percentage of firmspublic sector banks has declined significantly. It is therefore essential for the banking industry in India, in its marketing strategy to attract customers and meet the changing strong competition from foreign banks and new private banks.


The introduction of technologies, both in terms of computer and communications technology has dramatically changed the method of transfer. In the banking sector, has opened a technologynew perspectives and in turn, has brought new opportunities for the same work in different ways, and more profitable. The technology helps take the edge 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tele-banking, Internet banking and electronic banking services have new business opportunities and opportunities that remain unexplored here open. All these technological advances in May to pave the way for the bank at home instead of branches of banks.


Another important force for change inthe banking industry in India is innovation. The banks are innovative, pro-active in the moment-to-day and to offer first class service. They play an active role not only as a supplier of financial resources, but also as a repository of Finance. After the new products such as investment banking, mutual funds, loans - leasing, factoring, forfeiting, business advice and creation of venture capital. These innovative services that can increase revenue in a costMeasures.

Developing the skills of Bank staff

In order to address the new challenges for banks to develop innovative ways to keep the needs of customers. To receive the Bank's staff enough exposure for packages of appropriate technologies for hardware and software to present his work. In addition, a separate wing of marketing can be created for all banks for their banking services market. You need to be trained to keep paceEnvironmental changes. To meet these challenges, the human resources department needs to develop in the banks to work plans and appropriate strategies.


The recent trend of globalization and liberalization has made serious problems for domestic banks. The entry of new foreign banks and private banks, with their knowledge base of advanced automation in the banking and aggressive marketing strategies have led to public banksclosed curve. Potential customers have begun to fly to foreign banks and private banks. To survive and succeed, banks have to market them to identify resources development, to distribute the conversion of these resources in good health and services effectively and efficiently satisfy the tastes of many customers.


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